Detailed Duties ~ 22 Aug 2020

Virgo time is upon us. Time for impeccability in details. Time for gratitude for all good things received. Time to observe what is without interpretation or judgment. Time to clarify what is not understood.

That said, based upon some reader feedback, here are a few points of clarification about the transits I post. The days I post are the exact date of the transit for my time zone in Arizona - where we never change our clocks. If you’re in Australia or Africa or Europe, you may experience the transit a day from what I post. Also, the transits are in effect for a reasonable time orb on either side of the precise (partile) alignment. For the Sun, four days or so. Mercury and Venus function for a couple days either side of the exact date. For Mars and Ceres, probably five days. For Jupiter, easily a week. But with Jupiter, hesitation is discouraged - if you feel it, get on with it. For the slower moving planets Saturn and out, the effects are easily felt for a week to several weeks. These references are all approximations. Some folks feel it for less time, others for more time, their individual natal chart dependent and sensitivity and cultivated consciousness dependent as well.

Which leads to the next point: How in tarnation does everyone feel the same thing at the same time? What? Everyone is impacted equally? No, not at all. If your natal chart is directly transited (here’s where a good astrologer comes in), you feel the prevailing effects more profoundly. Regardless, everyone responds to the collective trends whether they realize it or not. It’s the background noise to which the aggregate of humankind is exposed. It’s the influences that others may feel more strongly, and if they are in your sphere of influence, you’ll hear about it... or at least see how those currently impacted respond to life. And indirectly, that affects you. If you’re in a swimming pool and someone has a urinary incident, everyone in the pool is directly impacted and as a function of proximity to the incident. Those sunbathing around the pool may be aware of the event, or not. If someone leaps out of the pool and drips on a sunbather... and so it goes with the transits, too.


Here's a fun fact before we begin. Mars is now officially brighter than the brightest nighttime star, Sirius. This happens when Mars comes closest to Earth, as he does during a retrograde.

There’s a hint of a shift in the collective airspace. Despite the hardening of status quo rigid positions an undefinable hopefulness shoots beams of optimism our collective way. Over the next couple of weeks, it will feel even more so. Here’s a look ahead.

23 August: Mercury in Virgo opposes Ceres in Pisces

Here, it feels that voices have been heard and favorable response to advocacy supplied. Stay on it, though. Ensure that there’s no inattention regarding promises made and commitments rendered whether intentional or not. It may be necessary to reiterate what one needs or seeks for all agendas represented.

Whether iterating or reiterating, offer solutions first. Present an idealized outcome based upon applied insights that benefit all. Those who are option-oriented make even more progress in this time. By offering up ideas, protocols and platforms that benefit you and me and everyone, more receptivity meets the communications.

Keep in mind when questioned, you are not being judged. Simply the receiving party of your communication requires more information to be able to respond.

28 August: Sun in Virgo opposes Ceres in Pisces

Following up on the previous communication surge with Ceres, the Sun sheds even more light on the situation and magnifies all circumstances. Personally speaking, be clear about what you want and need with a reasonable explanation of why it is you feel you require that. You are not justifying your desires nor rationalizing away your needs in life. You merely illuminate how you got to the point where you realize you want that.

This is a great time to point out that paradoxes in ones thinking lead to inadvertent hypocrisy and coming off as if one wants it both ways. Clarity in declaration and engaging what you want and need eliminates contradictions in your nature. You want what you want. You need what you need. None of that is changed by the reactions of those in your sphere. Perfecting self expression goes a long way in maximizing favorable results in this process.

2 September: Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus

The times they are a’changing. Just when you got comfortable with your e-mail platform your dang provider up and changes it. Is it better? Are there features and factors that actually better assist your objectives? Seek that out first. See how this new thing dropped on you might actually offer benefits that far exceed the unfamiliarity of what’s new.

This is one of those times when the claim that it wasn’t enough so we didn’t do it must be rebuffed. Gain ground. Build upon gains. Be patient with upgrades, especially technological.

9 September: Sun in Virgo trine Jupiter in Capricorn, Mars turns retrograde

Impetuous souls might feel that Mars reversing tracks upsets all forward progress. At the same time that Mars redirects its course, a trine between the two most favorably supportive and largest objects in our solar system occurs. This is very good. Things are intended to flow and be easy. Part of the easy as you go is the fact that a review of all things set in motion is required. It may be that some of the campaigns in progress are not necessary, or certainly pose no prioritized requirement in the moment. Go with that flow. Give up pushing and resisting and float for a spell.

Review everything initiated since Mars entered Aries back in late June. One could make a case for reviewing anything started and halted courtesy of the coronavirus in 2020. What still feels right as an objective? It should be clear. Those things worth doing shine and shimmer their way to the top of the list of to-do priorities.

10 September: Mercury in Libra opposing Chiron in Aries

Plain and simple: Stating who you are, what you need and how you intend to go about it, is really good for what ails you. Be positive, affirmative and inclusive, realizing along the way, you are more than enough to engage the opportunities on your path. Cultivate and polish your creativity, skills, inner assets and talents.

12 September: Jupiter turns direct in Capricorn

Okay folks it’s time to get this year right. From here until Jupiter moves up to conjoin Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, on the forthcoming solstice, major tracks can be put down. The year is not a loss. Those who advance with method, strategy, integrity and resolve stand to gain and gain hugely. To follow and put a pin in Mercury opposing Ceres and Mercury opposing Chiron of the recent past: no whining, complaining or lamenting. The only permissible declarations at this juncture are affirmations consistent with ones baseline philosophies and spiritual objectives.

14 September: Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn

How about some self-analysis, interrogation and honest inner looking? If things go as well as they can, will you accept those things without qualification or condition? Get there. Whatever must be cleared, clear it. This is a time when the soul-based power plant runs at maximum efficiency and overrides any systems in which ego or misdirected intentions stand in the way.

Let it be good. Allow for things to build to the magnitude that the Universe supports.

17 September: Sun in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn

Progress can be seen. Effort is rewarded. Those demonstrating competence receive advancement and elevation. This is one of those “at the end of the day” transits. At the end of the day when work is done, recreate and rest.

Enjoy down time. Sleep in. Have a lazy day, because while your “doing” may be paused, your creativity collects forgotten and discarded details, and reassembles them into a new initiative. Allow the time required to savor an epiphany. Petition the Heavens. Become an authority on gratitude. Be an expert in the esoteric art of propitiation.

Soon, the good built up will be summoned. Soon, everyone on Spaceship Earth will be subpoenaed to be an active contributor to the way the world turns.

On September 22nd Mercury in Libra opposes Eris in Aries. This hints that an October Surprise lies near. Those attentive and alert are charged with taking the first steps to guarantee that the ideal path forward is pursued and as outlined by the more than impelling celestial influences. On September 24th Mercury in Libra opposes Mars in Aries. Those listening and those aware hear the ringing call and reach for the phone, preparing to engage whatever messaging may come from the other end of the line.

More soon!